Parent Education Classes & Support Groups | NYU …
Ask the Educator Live WebinarDuring this free, one-hour live webinar, we invite expecting parents to ask questions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and delivering a baby at NYU Langone. These sessions are facilitated by our Lamaze-certified nurse coordinator of childbirth education. Sessions are recurring, and you … Prepared Childbirth Live WebinarThe Prepared Childbirth Live Webinar is a three-week childbirth education series for pregnant women and their support persons. Topics are based on the Lamaze International philosophy and include birth physiology, including what’s going on before, during, and after labor; comfort techni… Ready, Set, Induction!Ready, Set, Induction! is a brief, recorded presentation about induction of labor, which are interventions your doctor may use to stimulate uterine contractions before labor begins on its own. This session is intended for women who have been scheduled for induction of labor and their su…
Ask the Educator Live WebinarDuring this free, one-hour live webinar, we invite expecting parents to ask questions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and delivering a baby at NYU Langone. These sessions are facilitated by our Lamaze-certified nurse coordinator of childbirth education. Sessions are recurring, and you …
Prepared Childbirth Live WebinarThe Prepared Childbirth Live Webinar is a three-week childbirth education series for pregnant women and their support persons. Topics are based on the Lamaze International philosophy and include birth physiology, including what’s going on before, during, and after labor; comfort techni…
Ready, Set, Induction!Ready, Set, Induction! is a brief, recorded presentation about induction of labor, which are interventions your doctor may use to stimulate uterine contractions before labor begins on its own. This session is intended for women who have been scheduled for induction of labor and their su…
DA: 12 PA: 50 MOZ Rank: 67